О нас
When: 10 - 16 december booking: 4 из 7 cost: 1300$
When time comes and first snowflakes show up out there – true freeriders pick up their ski-touring stuff and make it to faraway Siberian mountains to enjoy bottomless snow…
More than 500 miles across the ice of Lake Baikal on delivery, more than 30 kilometers under a backpack when enter, more than 3 kilometers Ski-touring. Stove, tent and puzzled looks of local. Nobody believed in success, but ourselves.
Gentle, smooth couloir lines, languishing bands of basins, smooth skin of snow, flaring like diamond rainbow in sunbeams, the treatment of light and shade on appetizing twists and little hillocks with sparse wood, gently whispering to you: ‘Drop from me!’ If I’d been asked then: ‘Hey, dude, what’s your sexual orientation?’ – I would honestly answer: ‘I’m a freerider’ and ‘this is cooler than sex’.
Have you ever dreamed of being transported into a fairy land like Dorothy Gale? I have! Having come to the pass, that separates civilization from it’s absence, and having seen this scenic spine in the deep of Western Sayan Mountains, I felt myself as if I was reading L. Frank Baum books again.